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TGM KANIS is a medium sized Company based in Nuremberg, which has been formed in 2004 as Kanis Turbinen GmbH from employees of the former AEG Kanis, ABB Turbinen Nürnberg and ABB Alstom Power Turbinen.


In 2006 the Company changed its name associated with a 50% involvement of the TGM Turbinas Ltda. into TGM Kanis Turbinen GmbH.


In 2010 the Company moved into its own premises located in a business park, Nuremberg-Feucht, Am Flachmoor 6.


TGM Kanis has actually more than 75 employees.


Company Milestones

July 2004

  • Incorporation of Kanis Turbinen GmbH



  •  Joint venture with TGM Turbinas Ltda.
  •  New company name: TGM Kanis Turbinen GmbH



  •  March 2010, inauguration of TGM Kanis office and workshop building



  •  Extension of office capabilities up to 90 emplyees
  •  Number of employees: 75

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