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IN-TA-CT® (Integrated TAPROGGE Concept)


IN-TA-CT® provides financial benefits to architect engineers, contractors and purchasers:

  • Planning realized by TAPROGGE clearly demonstrates that the highly effective IN-TA-CT® modules contribute to more intelligent layouts of the mechanical cleaning chain in cooling water systems which reduces capital expenditure.
  • By its modular structure, IN-TA-CT® enables a flexible adaptation to budget, safety philosophy and function.
  • IN-TA-CT® is made by TAPROGGE - which means that is comes from a single source. Reduced administration, low handling cost and reduced processing time are the consequence.
  • IN-TA-CT® provides new process safety by guarantees within the scope of the integral system. Traditional interface problems are avoided.
  • As an IN-TA-CT® user you have an automatic back-up by the quality features and unlimited world-wide acceptance of TAPROGGE, the market leader. Additionally, the end user has unrestricted access to IN-TA-S®.

Taprogge IN-TA-CT®

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