IN-TA-S® (Integrated TAPROGGE Services)
IN-TA-S® procures financial and long-term additional benefits to the end users:
As a user of TAPROGGE technology you have a guaranteed access to IN-TA-S®. TAPROGGE's support is smoothly transferred from IN-TA-CT® to IN-TA-S®.
IN-TA-S® covers the end users' requirements in terms of the operation and maintenance of our systems in an all-embracing way during the whole life time - starting from the maintenance to the operation of our systems. By the modular structure of the individual IN-TA-S® services you are free to choose the scope of our care.
By IN-TA-S® you get qualification and competence on site because TAPROGGE provides responsible care by our experts. By IN-TA-S® we strive for long-term and trustful partnership with our clients.
IN-TA-S® centres in 10 regions of the world, dual sources from our two production centres, and our central IN-TA-S® remote centre provide a tight service network resulting in high availability.
As an operator you wish to achieve improved availability and economy of your cooling circuit. IN-TA-CT® provides the tool for it, and IN-TA-S® the optimised benefit. For the optimal adjustment of our systems, IN-TA-S® can rely on a data bank that is unparalleled the world over and contains application information of approx. 5,000 installations. Our plus of competence is your plus of performance gain.
As an operator you also profit by the superior service technology of our company. IN-TA-S® offers you unique monitoring and early warning systems that detect optimisation reserves and thereby create substantial added value, above all in remote operation.
As an IN-TA-S® user you can automatically rely on IN-TA-CT® and all further quality features the name of TAPROGGE stands for. Of particular benefit in this respect is the modular compatibility realized by IN-TA-CT®. Starting from IN-TA-CT®, you as an IN-TA-S® user conserve your investment by cutting your cost at the same time.