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INGEDRIVE™ is the family of low-and medium-voltage variable speed drives designed and manufactured by Ingeteam. Their modular design allows them to cover a wide range of powers and voltages, while their intuitive structure makes them easy to use and maintain.

INGEDRIVE™ is available with powers from 250 kW to 44 MW, and voltages from 400V to 6.6kV, offering robust, reliable and long-lasting equipment.

INGEDRIVE™ variable speed drives are designed for single- and multiple-motor applications and can work with both synchronous and asynchronous motors as well as permanent magnet motors.

The range of INGEDRIVE™ variable speed drives is ideal for both four-quadrant operation with energy feedback (AFE configuration) and for applications without energy feedback (DFE rectifier).

The incorporation of control via optic fibre for the whole converter range and the use of latest generation semiconductors, result in technologically-advanced, highly-efficient equipment with a safe, flexible and user-friendly interface.
INGEDRIVE™ - Technical characteristics 

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